May 31, 2022
Affordable Housing Development – 1337-1339 King Street West
The lack of affordable housing in Parkdale remains a serious problem affecting the lives of community members. The Parkdale United Church Foundation, located at 171 Dunn Avenue, is proposing to redevelop 1337-1339 King Street West to add approximately 110 units of affordable rental housing between a new 10-storey building and mews housing.
We would like to share our exciting plans for this project with our neighbours. Given concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are inviting you to an online information meeting on:
Monday, June 13, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting will take place online using Zoom. Please use the information below to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 878 7564 8075
Passcode: 096525
Call-In Number: +1 647 374 4685
Councillor Perks, the Housing Secretariat and City Planning Staff will be in attendance.
If you are unable to participate in the Zoom meeting and have questions, please e-mail Ryan Taylor at:
Or mail to Tim Welch Consultants, 26 Colborne St., Cambridge ON, N1R 1R2
Responses to written questions will be provided after the meeting.
Preliminary Project Rendering
Parkdale United Church Foundation Mission Statement
It is our mission to be home to people whose options may be limited by poverty, disability, age or other unjust cause through the provision of affordable, clean, quiet and safe shelter.